Mary Factory

Mary Factory is a well-known soft drink processing and production facility, closely associated with the childhood of many Cambodians. Recently, the factory has been facing a concerning issue: insects entering the working area. Mosquitoes, flies, and other harmful insects have significantly impacted the production process and product quality. Given its large scale and production demands, Mary Factory cannot overlook this problem, as it poses risks to hygiene and food safety, harms its reputation, and affects the company’s sustainable development.

To address the insect issue, KRAVAN has consulted on and installed plain yellow PVC curtains with a rotating folding system. These clear yellow PVC curtains feature strips processed with additional hanging brackets, allowing them to be attached to a hanging bar. Together, they form an insect-proof barrier for the factory’s production area and can be folded to one side when not in use.

There are two main reasons for choosing yellow PVC curtains:
-The yellow color enhances the ability to deter insects, reducing their presence in the immediate production area.
-The smooth surface of the curtain fibers minimizes sticking when exposed to water and moisture, which is crucial in high-traffic areas to avoid inconvenience.
In this project with Mary Factory, KRAVAN installed five sets of yellow ribbed PVC curtains, covering a total area of 52.63 m² for two key locations: the workers’ entrance and the main door. These areas are frequented by both workers and transport vehicles, making them hotspots for insect activity. The PVC curtains were custom-manufactured to fit the door frames, ensuring effective protection for the factory.

Mary Factory has found an effective solution to safeguard its production process and ensure product quality against harmful insects—KRAVAN’s PVC curtains. Made from high-quality materials, these curtains offer excellent durability and strength. Their waterproof properties help maintain stable humidity levels within the factory, unaffected by external conditions. Additionally, KRAVAN provides professional dedication and top-notch service throughout the cooperation process, which has earned Mary Factory’s trust in choosing KRAVAN PVC curtains to protect its production and ensure product quality.